ger eng

Small manual for FS-Bot v2

The first time you connect to the bot, it will ask you to start it.

Then you should use /config to check if your language and timezone are correct.

With the command /fs you will get the information about the current FS.

During the FS you only need to send your data to the bot.. Once before the FS tasks and once after. Within the time span of the FS this is possible at any time. The bot determines your data from the two uploads.

So you don't have to wait with the final values until shortly before the end of FS...

When the bot receives your stats, he will give you some information about them.

If everything worked, it should look like this. The values in brackets will only appear on the second upload and are the difference between the two uploads.

The following message is a sign that something went wrong. What has gone wrong is then in front of this message.

If the timestamp of your stats is outside the upload window, or there is no active upload window, these messages will appear

If you have chosen the wrong statistic in your Ingress, the following will happen. Set Ingress to Total and send the stats to the bot again.

When you use the bot for the first time, the following message will appear. The bot saves your ingame-name and the faction for reporting to Fevgames

If this is not the first time that you participate in this FS, the bot will delete the old data by now at the latest:

Depending on the settings the bot will compare the users with Fevgames. If this is successful, it looks like this:

If this goes wrong, then the following will happen:

Check again that you are registered on Fevgames and that your name is spelled correctly (upper/lower case). Sometimes there are also problems with the retrieval on Fevgames...

The bot can display some other commands you can use /help to display them.

send stats to the telegram bot

In Ingress select the statistic/profile menu in the upper left corner

Then the export function

Make sure that you have selected the overall stats

Select the telegram Messanger of your choice

And then the bot of your FS

Every FS has its own bot, so it can be called something different.

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