Still a working version. Well, the bot is not finished yet ;-)
What for?
The bot should make it as easy as possible to evaluate your progress in Ingress.
It should also make it possible to send stats to other destinations in order to limit the uploading to countless different stat / extension pages for Ingress.
How the bot works
The bot receives stats sent to it, evaluates them and stores them internally in different memory locations.
There are predefined storage locations
Upload: Contains the last uploaded stats, internally also with the original data sent by you.
Last: The latest stats
Day: the first stats sent that day
Month: the first stats sent in the month
Year: the first stats sent in the year.
Self 1-7: are stats that are saved by hand. They can also be assigned names.
EBL: If configured, the stats can be loaded manually or automatically to the EBL.
Sheet: Here the data can be written into a Google sheet. Further use is then up to the individual.
Each memory location has (at least) two slots. The bot thus also keeps the penultimate stats.
After uploading the stats, the current stats appear, if possible with the differences to previously uploaded stats (last).
Below this, all active storage locations appear.
Storage locations with a green tick "✅" contain the current data set. With a one-way sign "⛔" do not contain it, but are fixed stats into which it is not possible to load by hand (Last, Day, Month, Year).
In stats with a diskette symbol "💾", the stats can be loaded manually by pressing the button.
If a storage symbol appears in addition to the disk symbol, the data will be saved outside the bot (EBL, Sheet).
This menu can also be called up by the command /save.
With the command /config you can make default settings for the bot.
The profiles with the 👁 are only for viewing.
You can simply send your total (ALL TIME) stats to the bot. Directly via Share or via the clipboard.
No extra command is necessary.
But there is the possibility to request an output of all found stats with the command /fullstats before the upload.
If NIA changes something in the stats, the bot will issue a warning, if possible with a description of the change. You should check the values of your stats.
Use the command /stats to get to the evaluation of the stats.
The bot presents you (if possible) the last stats with the differences to the previous stats.
To make things clearer, not all stats are displayed, but selected ones in a profile.
Below the stats there are two rows of buttons.
The upper one:
The profile, click the button to select another profile. You can define your own profiles.
If "All" is active, all stats contained in the profile are displayed, otherwise only those with changes.
"Decimal" defines whether the values are to be displayed with or without a decimal point.
The second line contains two buttons for selecting the stats. If you click one of them, you can select the stats.
The bot can automatically forward the received data to the EBL (Enlightened Bundesliga).
To do this, you need the "API Token" from the EBL Settings page, which you must enter in the bot under
/config - EBL - API-Token.
In this menu you can also define whether stats that you send to the bot are automatically sent to EBL and limit the time for this.
From now on, you will also see a slot for EBL in the memory slots after sending the stats, depending on the setting, the data is already sent to EBL.
After sending the data to EBL, you will receive an info message in the form of
"✅ EBL Upload OK, 189937AP
⚠️ Check the values on
Scoring AP: 489937AP".
The AP behind "EBL Upload OK" are the AP between the individual uploads to EBL.
The scoring AP are the AP that should be scored by EBL per day.
If you want, you can record all the values you send to the bot in a sheet.
The bot simply saves the data row by row in the sheet without any evaluations. Each value has a column, with a header. The columns are based on the bot's internal indexing (
The data can then be processed with the sheet functions.
To set up this function, go to /config - GoogleSheet.
Create an empty GoogleSheet and give the bot write access to the sheet (use the email address in the menu behind Bot-GoogleMail).
Select "Spreadsheet Link" in the bot and copy the link of the spreadsheet from the address line, or with the sharing options of the spreadsheet into the input.
If you wish, you can also specify the name of a sheet in the Google sheet ("Sheet Name"). If this is not specified, the bot writes to the active sheet.
You can also specify a time period in which the bot will not write any new data to the sheet after the last write. This can still be done manually.
Translate links
If you send a text with "intel links" to the bot, it will replace them with Google or Apple links. Under /config - "Translate intel links into Google links" you can select which link it should convert into by clicking on the menu entry.
AP Values
Command: /ap
Here you will find a list of APs that are available for different actions.
Exact AP
Command: /exactap
If you want to get a certain AP value, you can use this function as a help.
After calling it up, you will be shown a menu with target AP and various actions.
Set the value you want to reach with "Target AP".
You can also set the various actions to 0 or another fixed value. Then a 📌 appears with the value in the menu.
If a ⛔ appears with the value 0, then the same AP value was already used for another action and this was excluded from the calculation. This speeds up the calculation considerably.
If you absolutely want to use this action, set the other action to a fixed value.
*** Translated with (free version) ***